Adoption Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Full Legal Name (first, middle, last) *Address *City *County *State *Zip Code *Email *Phone Number *Date of Birth (month/day/year) *How did you hear about Camp Kitten? *Do you rent a home/apartment or own? *If a renter, please list landlord name and contact info.Are you considering declawing a cat you may adopt? (Write "N/A" if applying for a dog.) *Are there any smokers in your home? *How many adults reside in your household? Please list first names, last names and date of birth for each adult. *How many children at home? (please list ages) *Please list your current pets along with their species (dog, cat, etc), breed, and age. *Are all current pets spayed/neutered? If not, please explain. *Are all current pets up to date on vaccines? If not, please explain. *Please list name and phone number for your current veterinarian. (Write "N/A" if you don't have current pets.) *Do you agree to maintain regular healthcare, provided by a licensed veterinarian, if you adopt this pet? *Are there any circumstances where you could foresee needing to return this animal? *What animal are you interested in adopting? *Are there other animals you are interested in? (*Note: if you do not already have a young cat in the home, we do require kittens to be adopted in pairs.)Do you agree this animal will live indoors with you? *On average, how many hours per day will this animal be alone? *Where will this animal sleep? *By initialing this application, you (the applicant) agree that Camp Kitten is not liable for any injuries or damages caused by any animal meet & greets prior to adoption. Initial if you agree *I certify that the information entered on this application is true. Please enter your name and date. *Is there anything else you would like us to know? **WATCH YOUR SPAM FOLDER FOR EMAILS FROM CAMP KITTEN**Submit