After fostering cats and dogs for several local organizations, I decided the best way I could help animals is by creating my own rescue. With both vet tech and marketing experience, why not? My love of animals runs deep and I’ve been surrounded by dogs and cats my entire life. I began volunteering at Minneapolis Animal Care and Control and it only further pushed me to want to help homeless animals.
The Camp Kitten name stemmed out of a long-running joke during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns and quarantines. After fostering over 70 cats and kittens, it was well known amongst my friends that I always had a room or two of kittens under my roof. I would joke on our weekly video-calls that if they needed a little time to themselves, they could send their kids to my house for some quality play-time with my kittens and we dubbed it “Camp Kitten”. The actual “camp” part never came to fruition, but the name stuck and one of the few positive things to come out of the 2020 pandemic was a brand new rescue!